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  • Webinar: Workers' Compensation and COVID-19
     April 21, 2021
     7:45 am - 9:00 am


Speakers: Stacey L. Tokunaga, Esq.
Donald P. Liebherr, Esq.
Law Offices of Stacey L. Tokunaga
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Program: Networking 7:45am – 8:00am
Program 8:00am – 9:00am
Location: This event will be presented virtually via Zoom. Zoom link will be emailed after online registration.

This seminar is designed to educate business owners, human resources professionals and managers/supervisors.

Topics will include:


  • COVID-19 regulations that apply to the workplace.


  • What steps you need to take with your workers compensation carrier if an employee contracts COVID-19.


  • What you need to know about workers compensation claims made by employees with COVID-19.


  • The steps employers can take to work best with their workers compensation insurance carriers on COVID-19 claims and to defend COVID-19 workers compensation claims.


Stacey L. Tokunaga, Esq. is the managing partner of SLT Law, a practice handling the management and defense of Workers’ Compensation claims for third party administrators, insured clients and self-insured employers.

Donald P. Liebherr, Esq. works with Ms. Tokunaga at SLT Law, also focusing on Workers’ Compensation defense. His background in civil litigation, subrogation, alternative dispute resolution, mediation, and arbitration is a benefit to clients facing complex workers compensation proceedings.

The East Ventura County Employer Advisory Council (EAC) is composed of employer volunteers representing a cross-section of business and industry. The EAC was developed to promote a stronger partnership between the California Employment Development Department (EDD) and the business community. Its commitment is to assist employers in conducting their business more effectively and efficiently, to provide information on employment-related issues, and to enhance the communication between EDD and the private sector. This presentation is provided for educational and informational purposes only; it does not constitute an endorsement of the curriculum or speakers by the State of California EDD or by the East Ventura County EAC. Aside from staff designated to represent EDD, we assume no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the materials provided during this event.

EDD, an equal opportunity employer/program, is a partner in this event. Special requests for accommodation need to be made two weeks prior to the event by emailing info@eastventuraeac.org